

Some of our most frequently asked questions:

What is your service area?

Our service area is the State of California.

Does my homeowners policy cover my bicycle?

Your homeowners policy may provide some coverage for your bicycle, ask your agent or broker for details on your existing policy. These are a few of the areas you may wish to inquire:

  ○ Is your bicycle, or bicycle collection covered to full value, including accessories?
  ○ Is your bicycle, or bicycle collection covered from earthquake or flood? Not typical of most homeowner policies.
  ○ Is your bicycle, or bicycle collection covered to value, out of your home, across the country and across the world?
  ○ Will a claim / loss effect your ability to keep your homeowners insurance policy? This is perhaps one of the most important questions you can ask. If there is a loss with your bicycle, how will it effect your homeowners insurance policy? If a loss or claim involving your bicycle in some cases may make keeping or changing your home insurance policy more of a challenge.

Why stand-alone bicycle insurance?

○ If something happens to your bicycle, or bicycle collection, that claim / loss is now likely outside of your homeowners policy. The chances of it impacting your homeowners policy are now lessened.   
○ Custom coverages, details here and here, a stand-alone bicycle policy is far more likely to offer comprehensive coverage for your bicycle, or bicycle collection.

What is the minimum my bicycle should be worth before considering stand-alone bicycle

How much your bicycle, or bicycle collection should be worth before considering a stand-alone bicycle policy, is going to vary greatly from person to person. Factors will include your emotional and financial attachment to your bicycle or bicycle collection. If you are unsure, connect with us to inquire.

Does this agency offer other kinds of insurance?

Yes, the Petaluma Insurance Agency is a full-service agency offering a number of different kinds of insurance throughout the State of California, feel free to inquire.

Please visit the below link to begin the process of starting your quote today. Our service area is the State of California.


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